VEMF therapy to Treat Dupuytren’s Contracture: A Preliminary Study
Simona Laura | Chiara Giorgio | Flavia Lupo | Carlo Zannella | Maurizio Busoni
Dupuytren’s disease is a pathology that usually occurs in male patients over 40 years of age, which results in a motor deficit on some fingers, leading to reduced functionality of the hand. The cause of the pathology is still not clear even if hereditary traits are found, as well as there is a high incidence in patients who have long performed manual work that exposed them to vibrations. At present, severa! surgical and non surgical therapies are suggested although they do not guarantee a full recovery.
Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the therapy based on electromagnetic fields and vacuum (VEMF therapy) in the treatment of Duputreyn’s contracture.
In this retrospective study we documented seven subjects burdened with Duputreyn’s contracture, all of them had previously undergone surgery on the palm of their hand. The subjects underwent between three and seven treatment sessions. The results were evaluated with echography, infrared photographs, VAS and DASH score.
The patients have shown a significant improvement in every measurement,which remained stable six months later. No side effects were found.
Although only a small number of patients was documented, it is believed that VEMF therapy can be considered as a potential treatment for Dupuytren’ scontracture for its proven effectiveness and safety.
Dupuytren’s Disease; VEMF Therapy; Biodermogenesi; Electromagnetic Field; Negative Pressure; Vacuum; Regenerative Medicine
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